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Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) with FreeRTOS

SMP support in the FreeRTOS Kernel enables one instance of the FreeRTOS kernel to schedule tasks across multiple identical processor cores. The core architectures must be identical and share the same memory.

On this page:

Getting Started with FreeRTOS and SMP

The simplest way to get started is to use one of the following pre-configured example projects:

Modifying an Application to use FreeRTOS SMP Functionality

The FreeRTOS API remains substantially the same between single core and SMP versions except for these additions. Therefore, an application written for the FreeRTOS single core version should compile with the SMP version with minimal to no effort. However, there may be some functional issues, as application design assumptions true for single core applications may no longer be true for multi-core applications.

One such common assumption is that a lower priority task cannot run while a higher priority task is running. While this was true on a single core, it is no longer true for multi-cores, as multiple tasks can be running simultaneously. If the application relies on relative task priorities to provide mutual exclusion, it may observe unexpected results in a multi-core environment. The application writer has couple of options to address this:

  1. The best option is to update the application so that it does not rely on task priorities and uses synchronization primitives instead.
  2. Another option is to pin all the tasks which must not be running simultaneously to one core using the vTaskCoreAffinitySet API.
  3. Another option is to define configRUN_MULTIPLE_PRIORITIES to 0 which ensures that multiple tasks will run simultaneously only if they have the same priority. Note that this may result in under utilization and put some cores to idle when they could be used to run other low priority tasks.

One other common assumption is that ISRs cannot run simultaneously with each other or with other tasks. This is no longer true in a multi-core environment and the application writer needs to ensure proper mutual exclusion while accessing data shared between tasks and ISRs. The macros taskENTER_CRITICAL_FROM_ISR() and taskEXIT_CRITICAL_FROM_ISR() can be used in ISRs and the macros taskENTER_CRITICAL() and taskEXIT_CRITICAL() can be used in tasks to provide such mutual exclusion.

SMP Specific APIs

These additional APIs are available to the FreeRTOS-SMP kernel:


BaseType_t xTaskCreateAffinitySet( TaskFunction_t pxTaskCode,
                                    const char * const pcName,
                                    const configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE usStackDepth,
                                    void * const pvParameters,
                                    UBaseType_t uxPriority,
                                    UBaseType_t uxCoreAffinityMask,
                                    TaskHandle_t * const pxCreatedTask );

This function is an extension of xTaskCreate and is used to create a new task with an affinity mask and add it to the list of tasks that are ready to run. configUSE_CORE_AFFINITY must be defined as 1 for this function to be available.


  • uxCoreAffinityMask - A bitwise value that indicates the cores on which the task can run. Cores are numbered from 0 to (configNUMBER_OF_CORES - 1). For example, to ensure that a task can run on core 0 and core 1, set uxCoreAffinityMask to 0x03.


TaskHandle_t xTaskCreateStaticAffinitySet( TaskFunction_t pxTaskCode,
                                           const char * const pcName,
                                           const configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE uxStackDepth,
                                           void * const pvParameters,
                                           UBaseType_t uxPriority,
                                           StackType_t * const puxStackBuffer,
                                           StaticTask_t * const pxTaskBuffer,
                                           UBaseType_t uxCoreAffinityMask );

This function is an extension of xTaskCreateStatic and is used to create a new task with affinity mask and add it to the list of tasks that are ready to run. configUSE_CORE_AFFINITY must be defined as 1 for this function to be available.


  • uxCoreAffinityMask - A bitwise value that indicates the cores on which the task can run. Cores are numbered from 0 to (configNUMBER_OF_CORES - 1). For example, to ensure that a task can run on core 0 and core 1, set uxCoreAffinityMask to 0x03.


BaseType_t xTaskCreateRestrictedAffinitySet( const TaskParameters_t * const pxTaskDefinition,
                                             UBaseType_t uxCoreAffinityMask,
                                             TaskHandle_t * pxCreatedTask );

This function is an extension of xTaskCreateRestricted and is used to create a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) restricted task with affinity mask and add it to the list of tasks that are ready to run. configUSE_CORE_AFFINITY must be defined as 1 for this function to be available.


  • uxCoreAffinityMask - A bitwise value that indicates the cores on which the task can run. Cores are numbered from 0 to (configNUMBER_OF_CORES - 1). For example, to ensure that a task can run on core 0 and core 1, set uxCoreAffinityMask to 0x03.


BaseType_t xTaskCreateRestrictedStaticAffinitySet( const TaskParameters_t * const pxTaskDefinition,
                                                   UBaseType_t uxCoreAffinityMask,
                                                   TaskHandle_t * pxCreatedTask );

This function is an extension of xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic and is used to create a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) restricted task with affinity mask and add it to the list of tasks that are ready to run. configUSE_CORE_AFFINITY must be defined as 1 for this function to be available.


  • uxCoreAffinityMask - A bitwise value that indicates the cores on which the task can run. Cores are numbered from 0 to (configNUMBER_OF_CORES - 1). For example, to ensure that a task can run on core 0 and core 1, set uxCoreAffinityMask to 0x03.


void vTaskCoreAffinitySet( const TaskHandle_t xTask, UBaseType_t uxCoreAffinityMask ); 

configUSE_CORE_AFFINITY must be defined as 1 for this function to be available.

Sets the core affinity mask for a task, i.e. the cores on which a task can run.


  • xTask - The handle of the task that the core affinity mask is for. Passing NULL will set the core affinity mask for the calling task.

  • uxCoreAffinityMask - A bitwise value that indicates the cores on which the task can run. Cores are numbered from 0 to (configNUMBER_OF_CORES - 1). For example, to ensure that a task can run on core 0 and core 1, set uxCoreAffinityMask to 0x03.

Example Usage:

/* The function that creates task. */
void vAFunction( void )
TaskHandle_t xHandle;
UBaseType_t uxCoreAffinityMask;

/* Create a task, storing the handle. */
xTaskCreate( vTaskCode, "NAME", STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, &( xHandle ) );

/* Define the core affinity mask such that this task can only run on core 0

* and core 2. */

uxCoreAffinityMask = ( ( 1 << 0 ) | ( 1 << 2 ) );

/* Set the core affinity mask for the task. */
vTaskCoreAffinitySet( xHandle, uxCoreAffinityMask );


UBaseType_t vTaskCoreAffinityGet( const TaskHandle_t xTask ); 

configUSE_CORE_AFFINITY must be defined as 1 for this function to be available.

Gets the core affinity mask for a task, i.e. the cores on which a task can run.


  • xTask - The handle of the task that the core affinity mask is for. Passing NULL will get the core affinity mask for the calling task.


  • The core affinity mask, which is a bitwise value that indicates the cores on which a task can run. Cores are numbered from 0 to (configNUMBER_OF_CORES - 1). For example, if a task can run on core 0 and core 1, the core affinity mask is 0x03.

Example Usage:

/* Task handle of the networking task - it is populated elsewhere. */
TaskHandle_t xNetworkingTaskHandle;

void vAFunction( void )
TaskHandle_t xHandle;
UBaseType_t uxNetworkingCoreAffinityMask;

/* Create a task, storing the handle. */
xTaskCreate( vTaskCode, "NAME", STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, &( xHandle ) );

/* Get the core affinity mask for the networking task. */
uxNetworkingCoreAffinityMask = vTaskCoreAffinityGet( xNetworkingTaskHandle );

/* Here is a hypothetical scenario, just for the example. Assume that we

* have 2 cores - Core 0 and core 1. We want to pin the application task to

* the core that is not the networking task core to ensure that the

* application task does not interfere with networking. */

if( ( uxNetworkingCoreAffinityMask & ( 1 << 0 ) ) != 0 )
/* The networking task can run on core 0, pin our task to core 1. */
vTaskCoreAffinitySet( xHandle, ( 1 << 1 ) );
/* Otherwise, pin our task to core 0. */
vTaskCoreAffinitySet( xHandle, ( 1 << 0 ) );


void vTaskPreemptionDisable( const TaskHandle_t xTask ); 

configUSE_TASK_PREEMPTION_DISABLE must be defined as 1 for this function to be available.

Disables preemption for a task.


  • xTask - The handle of the task for which preemption will be disabled. Passing NULL disables preemption for the calling task.

Example Usage:

void vTaskCode( void *pvParameters )
/* Silence warnings about unused parameters. */
( void ) pvParameters;

for( ;; )
/* ... Perform some function here. */

/* Disable preemption for this task. */
vTaskPreemptionDisable( NULL );

/* The task will not be preempted when it is executing in this portion ... */

/* ... until the preemption is enabled again. */
vTaskPreemptionEnable( NULL );

/* The task can be preempted when it is executing in this portion. */


void vTaskPreemptionEnable( const TaskHandle_t xTask ); 

configUSE_TASK_PREEMPTION_DISABLE must be defined as 1 for this function to be available.

Enables preemption for a task.


  • xTask - The handle of the task for which preemption will be enabled. Passing NULL enables preemption for the calling task.

Example Usage:

void vTaskCode( void *pvParameters )
/* Silence warnings about unused parameters. */
( void ) pvParameters;

for( ;; )
/* ... Perform some function here. */

/* Disable preemption for this task. */
vTaskPreemptionDisable( NULL );

/* The task will not be preempted when it is executing in this portion ... */

/* ... until the preemption is enabled again. */
vTaskPreemptionEnable( NULL );

/* The task can be preempted when it is executing in this portion. */


TaskHandle_t xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandleForCore( BaseType_t xCoreID );

This function returns the handle of the task running on the specified core.


  • xCoreID - The core ID for which to retrieve the running task handle.


The handle of the task running on the specified core.

SMP Specific Hook and Callback Functions

Passive Idle Hook Function

The FreeRTOS SMP kernel has two types of Idle tasks:

  1. Idle Task - There is the standard Idle task used in single core FreeRTOS applications.
  2. Passive Idle Tasks - There are (configNUMBER_OF_CORES - 1) passive Idle tasks which are run on idle cores and which do nothing.

The passive idle tasks can optionally call an application-defined hook (or callback) function - the passive idle hook. The passive idle tasks run at the very lowest priority, so such an idle hook function will only run when there are no tasks of higher priority that are able to run.

The passive idle hook will only get called if configUSE_PASSIVE_IDLE_HOOK is set to 1 within FreeRTOSConfig.h. When this is set, the application must provide the hook function with the following prototype:

void vApplicationPassiveIdleHook( void ); 

The passive idle hook is called repeatedly by the passive idle tasks as long as any one of them is running. It is paramount that the passive idle hook function does not call any API functions that could cause it to block.

Passive Idle Tasks Memory Callback Function

If configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION is set to 1 then the application writer needs to provide vApplicationGetPassiveIdleTaskMemory to provide the memory for use by (configNUMBER_OF_CORES - 1) passive Idle tasks. An example is provided below:

void vApplicationGetPassiveIdleTaskMemory( StaticTask_t **ppxIdleTaskTCBBuffer,
StackType_t **ppxIdleTaskStackBuffer,
uint32_t *pulIdleTaskStackSize
BaseType_t xPassiveIdleTaskIndex )
/* If the buffers to be provided to the Idle task are declared inside this

* function then they must be declared static - otherwise they will be allocated on

* the stack and so not exist after this function exits. */

static StaticTask_t xIdleTaskTCBs[ configNUMBER_OF_CORES - 1 ];
static StackType_t uxIdleTaskStacks[ configNUMBER_OF_CORES - 1 ][ configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE ];

/* Pass out a pointer to the StaticTask_t structure in which the Idle task's

* state will be stored. */

*ppxIdleTaskTCBBuffer = &( xIdleTaskTCBs[ xPassiveIdleTaskIndex ] );

/* Pass out the array that will be used as the Idle task's stack. */
*ppxIdleTaskStackBuffer = &( uxIdleTaskStacks[ xPassiveIdleTaskIndex ][ 0 ] );

/* Pass out the size of the array pointed to by *ppxIdleTaskStackBuffer.

* Note that, as the array is necessarily of type StackType_t,

* configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE is specified in words, not bytes. */

*pulIdleTaskStackSize = configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE;

Alternatively, the application writer can set configKERNEL_PROVIDED_STATIC_MEMORY to 1 in their FreeRTOSConfig.h file to use the kernel provided default implementations of this callback.

SMP Specific Configuration Options

These additional configuration options are available to the FreeRTOS-SMP Kernel:


Sets the number of available processor cores.


In a single core FreeRTOS application, a lower priority task will never run if there is a higher priority task that is able to run. In an SMP FreeRTOS application the RTOS kernel will run as many tasks as there are cores available - so it is possible that a lower priority task will run on one core at the same time as a higher priority task runs on another core. That can cause a problem if your application or library was written for a single core environment, and so makes assumptions about the order in which tasks execute. Therefore configRUN_MULTIPLE_PRIORITIES is provided to control this behavior.

If configRUN_MULTIPLE_PRIORITIES is defined as 0, multiple tasks may run simultaneously only if they have equal priority - maintaining the paradigm of a lower priority task never running if there is a higher priority task that is able to run. If configRUN_MULTIPLE_PRIORITIES is defined as 1, multiple tasks with different priorities may run simultaneously - so a higher and lower priority task may run on different cores at the same time.


Allows the application writer to control which cores a task can run on. If configUSE_CORE_AFFINITY is defined as 1, vTaskCoreAffinitySet can be used to control which cores a task can run on, and vTaskCoreAffinityGet can be used to query which cores a task can run on. If configUSE_CORE_AFFINITY is 0 then the FreeRTOS scheduler is free to run any task on any available core.


In a single core FreeRTOS application, the FreeRTOS scheduler can be configured to be either pre-emptive or co-operative— see the definition of configUSE_PREEMPTION. In an SMP FreeRTOS application, if configUSE_TASK_PREEMPTION_DISABLE is defined as 1, then individual tasks can be set to either pre-emptive or co-operative mode using the vTaskPreemptionDisable and vTaskPreemptionEnable API functions.


A passive idle task hook is a function that is called during each cycle of a passive idle task. The application writer needs to do the following to create a passive idle task hook:

  1. Set configUSE_PASSIVE_IDLE_HOOK to 1 in FreeRTOSConfig.h.
  2. Define a function that has the following name and prototype:
    void vApplicationPassiveIdleHook( void );

The application writer can use the passive idle task hook to add background functionality without the overhead of a separate task.

If configUSE_PASSIVE_IDLE_HOOK is left undefined, it will default to 0.


configTIMER_SERVICE_TASK_CORE_AFFINITY allows the application writer to set the core affinity of the RTOS Daemon/Timer Service task on SMP systems.

If configTIMER_SERVICE_TASK_CORE_AFFINITY is left undefined, it will default to tskNO_AFFINITY.


When using SMP with core affinity feature enabled, set configTASK_DEFAULT_CORE_AFFINITY to the default core affinity mask for tasks created without an affinity mask specified. Setting configTASK_DEFAULT_CORE_AFFINITY to 1 would make such tasks tied to the core 0 and setting it to (1 << portGET_CORE_ID()) would make such tasks tied to the current core.

If left undefined, it defaults to tskNO_AFFINITY.

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